EU Shipping Discount
Effective: 1st January 2021
For the time being, EU customers will unfortunately be responsible for any local taxes, duties and fees which may be payable before receipt of your goods. We recommend if purchasing for shipment outside of the UK to please check with your border/customs agencies before ordering so you’re fully aware of any charges that your goods may face when entering the country for delivery. We apologise for any frustration or inconvenience this may cause.
To help out, we're offering an automatic 15% off discount at checkout to offset some of these charges.
Please note: All 'Kidswear' items and 'Gift Cards' are excluded from this offer.
If you have any further questions relating to this, please feel free to contact us via email at or by calling us on +44(0)1332 342 068.
Thank you for your continued support.
Weekend Offender
For the time being, EU customers will unfortunately be responsible for any local taxes, duties and fees which may be payable before receipt of your goods. We recommend if purchasing for shipment outside of the UK to please check with your border/customs agencies before ordering so you’re fully aware of any charges that your goods may face when entering the country for delivery. We apologise for any frustration or inconvenience this may cause.
To help out, we're offering an automatic 15% off discount at checkout to offset some of these charges.
Please note: All 'Kidswear' items and 'Gift Cards' are excluded from this offer.
If you have any further questions relating to this, please feel free to contact us via email at or by calling us on +44(0)1332 342 068.
Thank you for your continued support.
Weekend Offender